Don't do the same mistake I did...
If you have compiled your own .dll or .so file and when you are trying to import a python file then make sure your dll filed does not have the same name as one of the python files.
For e.g. if your directory contains the following files:
and you do
>> python
>> import mymodule
You will get the above error and that is because it is trying to import not from but from
Monday, July 13, 2009
Friday, July 18, 2008
Football according to me..
A great american tradition of drinking beer in the afternoon while pretending to be watching bunch of guys from some dark planet playing a pre-civilization sport where they are allowed to pull, push and kick their opponent.
Monday, June 2, 2008
openocd config for LPC2294 that worked for me...
#daemon configuration
telnet_port 4444
gdb_port 3333
interface ft2232
ft2232_device_desc "Amontec JTAGkey A"
ft2232_layout jtagkey
ft2232_vid_pid 0x0403 0xcff8
jtag_speed 3
jtag_nsrst_delay 200
#use combined on interfaces or targets that can't set TRST/SRST separately
reset_config srst_only srst_pulls_trst
#jtag scan chain
#format L IRC IRCM IDCODE (Length, IR Capture, IR Capture Mask, IDCODE)
jtag_device 4 0x1 0xf 0xe
#target configuration
daemon_startup reset
#target arm7tdmi
target arm7tdmi little run_and_init 0 arm7tdmi-s_r4
# run_and_halt_time
run_and_halt_time 0 1000
# commands below are specific to arm7tdmi Flash Programming
# −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
#target_script specifies the flash programming script file
target_script 0 reset
#working_area <'backup'|'nobackup'>
working_area 0 0x40000000 0x2000 nobackup
#flash configuration
#flash bank lpc2000 0x0 0x40000 0 0 0 lpc2000_v1 0 14765 calc_checksum
flash bank lpc2000 0x0 0x40000 0 0 0 lpc2000_v1 10000 calc_checksum
Flash write script (
arm7_9 dcc_downloads enable
sleep 10
flash probe 0
# erase first bank only:
flash erase_sector 0 0 0
#load_binary main.bin 0x0
flash write_image main.bin 0x0
sleep 10
reset run
sleep 10
Using the flash write_image did the trick for me. I read it in some post that when you use flash write_image then the calc_checksum in the
flash bank lpc2000 0x0 0x40000 0 0 0 lpc2000_v1 0 10000 calc_checksum
If not programmed with calc_checksum enable, a valid crc wouldn't be put in the exception vector table and the program would not get pass the bootloader.
telnet_port 4444
gdb_port 3333
interface ft2232
ft2232_device_desc "Amontec JTAGkey A"
ft2232_layout jtagkey
ft2232_vid_pid 0x0403 0xcff8
jtag_speed 3
jtag_nsrst_delay 200
#use combined on interfaces or targets that can't set TRST/SRST separately
reset_config srst_only srst_pulls_trst
#jtag scan chain
#format L IRC IRCM IDCODE (Length, IR Capture, IR Capture Mask, IDCODE)
jtag_device 4 0x1 0xf 0xe
#target configuration
daemon_startup reset
#target arm7tdmi
target arm7tdmi little run_and_init 0 arm7tdmi-s_r4
# run_and_halt_time
run_and_halt_time 0 1000
# commands below are specific to arm7tdmi Flash Programming
# −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
#target_script specifies the flash programming script file
target_script 0 reset
#working_area <'backup'|'nobackup'>
#flash configuration
#flash bank lpc2000 0x0 0x40000 0 0 0 lpc2000_v1 0 14765 calc_checksum
flash bank lpc2000 0x0 0x40000 0 0 0 lpc2000_v1 10000 calc_checksum
Flash write script (
arm7_9 dcc_downloads enable
sleep 10
flash probe 0
# erase first bank only:
flash erase_sector 0 0 0
#load_binary main.bin 0x0
flash write_image main.bin 0x0
sleep 10
reset run
sleep 10
Using the flash write_image did the trick for me. I read it in some post that when you use flash write_image then the calc_checksum in the
flash bank lpc2000 0x0 0x40000 0 0 0 lpc2000_v1 0 10000 calc_checksum
If not programmed with calc_checksum enable, a valid crc wouldn't be put in the exception vector table and the program would not get pass the bootloader.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Capitalism does not have a heart and socialism does not have a mind.
I think so. That's why we need something in the middle.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
openocd in Ubuntu
Error: ft2232.c:1413 ft2232_init_ftd2xx(): unable to open ftdi device: 2
What worked for when I was getting this error was to kick off openocd with sudo.e.g. instead of 'openocd -f jtagkey-arm7.cfg' try 'sudo openocd -f jtagkey-arm7.cfg'
What worked for when I was getting this error was to kick off openocd with sudo.e.g. instead of 'openocd -f jtagkey-arm7.cfg' try 'sudo openocd -f jtagkey-arm7.cfg'
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